samedi 2 juillet 2011

Exposition photographique sur la forêt @ Paris

Près du Louvre, en face du Conseil d'Etat, il y a une superbe exposition gratuite en plein air sur le thème de la Forêt.

Voici un extrait photographique en diaporama.

Near the Louvre Museum, in front of the Conseil d'Etat, there is a beautiful exhibition about the Forest theme.

Here are some pictures.

Here's the official text :

The exhibition
Free to the public, the traveling exhibition features 70 large format photographs by some of the greatest photographers. Each powerful photograph is accompanied by a caption that describes the content of the photograph. The texts deepen and examine specific topics: threat solution, global policies to local initiatives, all forestry issues are documented through the images and accompanying texts. While mixing emotion and knowledge, this exhibition offers the public the opportunity of a free initiatory journey and popular event. The unique path of initiation encourages visitors to wander through the photos and reflect on the importance of protecting our forests.

The free exhibition will open in Geneva, Switzerland on May 19. Translated into many languages, it will travel around the world.

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