mercredi 20 février 2019

Does the Demon rule our world ?

If we could live in a decent, loving and caring world, we could not face the commun issues we are actually dealing with. How can be possible in a world dominated by virtual money (banknotes created only with paper and not relating to the quantity of gold owned by a Nation, thanks to Nixon) to have starving people, homeless dying people in winter, and very poor people, even in rich countries ?  

What did happen ? 

Nations are not ruled by politicians who are fighting for the wellness of its citizen ?  Of course, not. Politicians Hub is a big family sponsored by big industries, and managed by secret societies.

How creating a single currency in Europe was more easy than erasing the poverty ?
How creating multilaterals trade deals is more important than fighting against hunger ?
How making stupid tv programs is more profitable than smart and educational tv programs ?

Because it is the agenda.

Good intentions are not the seeds that grew through our civilisation for decades, centuries, eons. 

How did it happen ? Was our world created by deceptions with tremendous skills to better blindfold our free will ? For which purpose ? To use us as food energy through pain, false hope, and sorrow ?

What if it was the case...  Did our ancetors left some clues ?

We were born and raised with religious thinking and / or with a duality concept. God Created the universe or human being evolved through Darwinism (Darwin was a highly ranked freemason).
There is good, and there is bad. That's the duality.
Is everything so simple or is it another deception through  thought manipulation ?

Does the demon rule our world conception ? Or something as hyper-dimensional entities ?

According to the Gnosticism,  Christianity, Arabian mythology, Islam, Sri Aurobindo, Shamanism (by Castaneda), Gurdjieff and Native American Indians : it is the case.  Thoses entities have different names according to them,  but they do have the same purpose and terminalogy : they are called Archons, Demons, (D)Jinn, Shaytan or Satan, Hostile Forces, Cosmic Predator / Mud Shadow, The Evil Magician or Wetiko / Master of distraction.

Those entities have been recognized several centuries ago through the History of Humanity. The website Humans are Free made a deep and clear article about this manipulation.

Link to fully understand the different meaning according to the Human culture and tradition  :

You are not supposed to believe it blindly, but you can not ignore thoses traditions and cultures of so many different human origins who were more spiritual than our present civilization.

jeudi 7 février 2019

De la V.O.D non abrutissante : Jupiter Films

 Depuis la pérennité du Réseau International (=INTERnational NETwork) et le développement du numérique, les cassettes vidéos ont disparu, les DVD battent de l'aile, au profit du téléchargement, du streaming et de la Video On Demand (Vidéo Sur Demande).

Les principales chaînes, ou groupes financiers détenant ces chaînes ont leur propre réseau de  V.O.D. constitué de films, séries, émissions débiles, sports, etc.

Acheter des DVD's pour les regarder qu'une fois n'est pas un investissement rentable  sur le court terme, même pour vous constituer une vidéothèque. Sauf peut-être pour conserver certains films qui vous ont marqué mais la chose est rare.

La location de la VOD est peu chère, comparée à l'achat des DVD's, il n'y a aucun besoin de sortir de chez soi et  Internet propose un choix très large.

C'est rare de trouver de la VOD intelligente avec des reportages qui ouvrent votre vision d'esprit et vous informent, sans jugement, sur des champs de la réalité que vous ne suspectez même pas.
Jupiter film, essaye de relever ce défi avec des thèmes sur l'eau "Water", les ondes "Ondes de Choc", l'alimentation, le spirituel, la conscience, etc.

Vous pouvez aussi organiser une projection ou animer une discussion avec le public en contactant le site à info at jupiter-films point com.

Les choix s'enrichissent au fur et à mesure.

Bon visionnage !