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lundi 26 décembre 2011
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droits de l homme,
vendredi 23 décembre 2011
Tibetan tale by Dr Shelton
This tale was told by tibetan folk, generation after generation, and was discovered by Dr A.L. Shelton who wrote a book of tibetan tales. He gathered theses tibetan tales while he was travelling in Tibet.
These stories can be read many times, because there are many different aspect we can find and meditate on.
There are also Apple and An(Droid) Apps called " Tibetan Folk Tales" by Shelton that you can acquire on I-Tunes or Android Market.
"How the Fox Fell a Victim to His Own Deceit"
ONCE upon a time, away up in the corner of the mountains, in a little cave, lived a tiger and her baby cub. She had brought for this baby, one day when she was out hunting, a little fox to be his playmate. The fox had a happy time and an easy one, for he didn't have to work or hunt, but played all day and the mother tiger kept them all supplied with food. One day she went out to hunt and found a little calf, which she took home to be another playmate for her son. But the fox was much displeased and became very jealous of the calf because he thought they all loved the calf better than he and that only the food that was left over was given to him. As a matter of fact, they treated him just the same as ever, but his heart was wrong and he began to plan how he might be revenged on the calf. After a while, the mother tiger became very ill, and as she was about to die she called the calf and her son to her side and said, "Although you are not of the same father and mother, yet you are brothers. I don't want you to ever quarrel, but to live happily here together, and if any one should tell you lies don't pay any attention to them, but always be friends." So saying, she died.
Now the fox saw his opportunity. Every morning the calf was in the habit of running and playing and jumping and shaking his horns in fun, bellowing and taking exercise, while the tiger preferred to lie and rest. So one morning while the calf was skipping around, the fox slipped up to the tiger and said, "Although the calf says he is your friend, have you any idea what he is thinking about, when he runs and jumps and shakes his horns in that manner? In his heart he hates you, and in that manner is gaining strength in order that he may be able to kill you."
This, of course, made the tiger suspicious and very angry. So daily he watched the calf very closely and became sour and surly.
Then the fox went to the calf and said, "You know your mother told you and the tiger that you were to be brothers, but see, he is growing larger and stronger every day and his heart has changed and he is preparing to kill and eat you."
The tiger and the calf were now enemies and watched each other with a great deal of suspicion and were very unhappy. Finally one day the calf said to the tiger, "Why do you want to kill me and eat me? I have done you no harm and love you just as your mother said I should."
The tiger replied, "I love you just the same and never thought of doing such a thing until the fox said you were preparing to kill me."
Then they realized that the fox had been trying to make them enemies, and they decided on a plan to get even with the fox. The tiger said, "I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll have a sham fight saying we hate each other and we're going to fight it out and see who wins. Ask him to be present and while we're in the midst of it, I'll attack him."
The day came and they began their fight. They maneuvered round and round and seemed to be fighting very fiercely until they came very near the fox, when the tiger made a jump, landed on him and killed him and sat down and had a feast of the carcass.
This shows what happens to those who try to make trouble between friends.
Link :
Dr Shelton
Android Market
These stories can be read many times, because there are many different aspect we can find and meditate on.
There are also Apple and An(Droid) Apps called " Tibetan Folk Tales" by Shelton that you can acquire on I-Tunes or Android Market.
"How the Fox Fell a Victim to His Own Deceit"
ONCE upon a time, away up in the corner of the mountains, in a little cave, lived a tiger and her baby cub. She had brought for this baby, one day when she was out hunting, a little fox to be his playmate. The fox had a happy time and an easy one, for he didn't have to work or hunt, but played all day and the mother tiger kept them all supplied with food. One day she went out to hunt and found a little calf, which she took home to be another playmate for her son. But the fox was much displeased and became very jealous of the calf because he thought they all loved the calf better than he and that only the food that was left over was given to him. As a matter of fact, they treated him just the same as ever, but his heart was wrong and he began to plan how he might be revenged on the calf. After a while, the mother tiger became very ill, and as she was about to die she called the calf and her son to her side and said, "Although you are not of the same father and mother, yet you are brothers. I don't want you to ever quarrel, but to live happily here together, and if any one should tell you lies don't pay any attention to them, but always be friends." So saying, she died.
Now the fox saw his opportunity. Every morning the calf was in the habit of running and playing and jumping and shaking his horns in fun, bellowing and taking exercise, while the tiger preferred to lie and rest. So one morning while the calf was skipping around, the fox slipped up to the tiger and said, "Although the calf says he is your friend, have you any idea what he is thinking about, when he runs and jumps and shakes his horns in that manner? In his heart he hates you, and in that manner is gaining strength in order that he may be able to kill you."
This, of course, made the tiger suspicious and very angry. So daily he watched the calf very closely and became sour and surly.
Then the fox went to the calf and said, "You know your mother told you and the tiger that you were to be brothers, but see, he is growing larger and stronger every day and his heart has changed and he is preparing to kill and eat you."
The tiger and the calf were now enemies and watched each other with a great deal of suspicion and were very unhappy. Finally one day the calf said to the tiger, "Why do you want to kill me and eat me? I have done you no harm and love you just as your mother said I should."
The tiger replied, "I love you just the same and never thought of doing such a thing until the fox said you were preparing to kill me."
Then they realized that the fox had been trying to make them enemies, and they decided on a plan to get even with the fox. The tiger said, "I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll have a sham fight saying we hate each other and we're going to fight it out and see who wins. Ask him to be present and while we're in the midst of it, I'll attack him."
The day came and they began their fight. They maneuvered round and round and seemed to be fighting very fiercely until they came very near the fox, when the tiger made a jump, landed on him and killed him and sat down and had a feast of the carcass.
This shows what happens to those who try to make trouble between friends.
Link :
Dr Shelton
Android Market
Libellés :
Arts & Spectacles,
lundi 19 décembre 2011
La prochaine version d'Android sera Kouign Amann ?
Saviez vous qu'Android nommait ses versions par des noms de pâtisseries et par ordre alphabétique ?
Après, Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb et Ice Cream Sandwich, c'est la lettre K qui rentre en liste :) et les Bretons militent pour une version Kouign Amann. L'article de 01net. en parle tres bien, à tel point qu'il y a même une page Facebook pour promouvoir cette idée fort réaliste :)
Tu soutiens cet projet ? alors inscris toi à la page Facebook que tu sois Breton ou non :)
Did you know that the Droid cellphone system, created and owned by Google is used to call its Droid system by pasteries names in an alphabetical order ?
After, Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb then Ice Cream, the next letter drafted is... the K !
Après, Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb et Ice Cream Sandwich, c'est la lettre K qui rentre en liste :) et les Bretons militent pour une version Kouign Amann. L'article de 01net. en parle tres bien, à tel point qu'il y a même une page Facebook pour promouvoir cette idée fort réaliste :)
Tu soutiens cet projet ? alors inscris toi à la page Facebook que tu sois Breton ou non :)
Did you know that the Droid cellphone system, created and owned by Google is used to call its Droid system by pasteries names in an alphabetical order ?
After, Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb then Ice Cream, the next letter drafted is... the K !
The Brittany state, located in the west of France, has a pastery made of butter, which is very good by the way called the.... Kouign Amann (i ve tasted the best one who won the title in 2009) !
You got it, all brittany people want to make some buzz in order that Google choose the Kouign Amann as its next Droid Cellphone System. You want the Kouign Amann as a K ? Click here :)
dimanche 11 décembre 2011
Donnez vie aux bonnes idées
Un proverbe dit qu 'une idée est une idée lorqu'elle est menée à son terme et prends forme.
Le site Ulule a bien compris le principe et propose aux internautes de concrétiser leurs idées par la recherche de financement.
Comment ? Tout simplement, en créant un projet de financement sur leur site web, afin que l'internaute puisse apporter sa contribution financière si il le désire, tout en recevant une contrepartie directement liée au projet en question.
Le contributeur peut-il perdre sa mise ? Non, car le contributeur n'aura pas de somme débitée si l'objectif quantitatif en terme de financement n est pas atteint par le projet.
Les contributions peuvent démarrer à partir de 5€ ou autre, pour tout projet humanitaire, associatif, sportif, écologique, boutique de mode, livre de conte pour enfants, etc... Vous avez compris, pour toute sorte de projet.
Il y a aussi des "préventes" sur Ulule sur des produits artisanaux, concerts, livres, où le contributeur est débité seulement si l'objectif du vendeur a été atteint.
Le site dispose d'un forum, d'un compte Twitter, Facebook qui permettent de bien suivre les informations.
Pour ma part, j ai participé à un projet de conte.
Bonne visite de projets !
Website > http://fr.ulule.com/
Ulule | Donnez vie aux bonnes idées par ulule
Le site Ulule a bien compris le principe et propose aux internautes de concrétiser leurs idées par la recherche de financement.
Comment ? Tout simplement, en créant un projet de financement sur leur site web, afin que l'internaute puisse apporter sa contribution financière si il le désire, tout en recevant une contrepartie directement liée au projet en question.
Le contributeur peut-il perdre sa mise ? Non, car le contributeur n'aura pas de somme débitée si l'objectif quantitatif en terme de financement n est pas atteint par le projet.
Les contributions peuvent démarrer à partir de 5€ ou autre, pour tout projet humanitaire, associatif, sportif, écologique, boutique de mode, livre de conte pour enfants, etc... Vous avez compris, pour toute sorte de projet.
Il y a aussi des "préventes" sur Ulule sur des produits artisanaux, concerts, livres, où le contributeur est débité seulement si l'objectif du vendeur a été atteint.
Le site dispose d'un forum, d'un compte Twitter, Facebook qui permettent de bien suivre les informations.
Pour ma part, j ai participé à un projet de conte.
Bonne visite de projets !
Website > http://fr.ulule.com/
Ulule | Donnez vie aux bonnes idées par ulule
samedi 10 décembre 2011
vendredi 9 décembre 2011
Discours d'Obama sur l'économie et la Démocratie
"Bien longtemps même avant que la récession ne débute, travailler dur ne faisait plus aucune différence pour la plupart des gens. Un nombre de plus en plus restreint des personnes qui contribuaient au succès de notre économie bénéficiaient véritablement de ses avancées. Ceux qui vivent au sommet s’enrichissaient plus que jamais, du fait de leurs rémunérations et de leurs investissements. Mais la grande masse des autres s’escrimaient avec des coûts en hausse constante et des feuilles de paie pour qui ce n’était pas le cas – et un nombre toujours croissant de familles s’endettaient toujours davantage, pour ne pas sombrer. […] Le château de cartes s’effondra en 2008. […]
L’histoire est maintenant connue de tous : des crédits hypothécaires accordés à des ménages qui ne pouvaient pas se les permettre, et qui bien souvent n’en comprenaient pas les termes. Des banques et des investisseurs à qui on a permis de reconditionner les risques qui en découlaient et de les revendre. Des paris colossaux – et des bonus colossaux – faits et accordés avec l’argent de quelqu’un d’autre. Des régulateurs dont on supposait qu’ils nous alerteraient quant aux dangers causés par tout cela, mais qui regardèrent ailleurs ou n’avaient même pas le pouvoir de regarder. […]
L’histoire est maintenant connue de tous : des crédits hypothécaires accordés à des ménages qui ne pouvaient pas se les permettre, et qui bien souvent n’en comprenaient pas les termes. Des banques et des investisseurs à qui on a permis de reconditionner les risques qui en découlaient et de les revendre. Des paris colossaux – et des bonus colossaux – faits et accordés avec l’argent de quelqu’un d’autre. Des régulateurs dont on supposait qu’ils nous alerteraient quant aux dangers causés par tout cela, mais qui regardèrent ailleurs ou n’avaient même pas le pouvoir de regarder. […]
Les aciéries qui avaient besoin autrefois de 1.000 ouvriers font aujourd’hui le même travail avec seulement 100, et les licenciements sont du coup trop souvent permanents. Et de tels changements n’épargnent pas les cadres. Si vous étiez guichetier d’une banque, réceptionniste ou agent touristique, la plupart d’entre vous ont été remplacés par un distributeur de billet ou par l’Internet. […]
Examinez les statistiques : au cours des dernières décennies, le revenu moyen du 1% au sommet a augmenté de 250% […] Le dirigeant d’entreprise typique qui touchait autrefois 30 fois ce que gagnaient ses employés, gagne aujourd’hui 110 fois plus. Et pendant ce temps-là, les revenus de la grande masse des Américains ont baissé de6%. […] Quand les ménages de la classe moyenne ne peuvent plus s’offrir les biens et les services que les entreprises proposent, c’est l’économie dans son ensemble qui coule […] Les pays qui connaissent moins de disparités ont des économies plus solides et connaissent une croissance plus forte et plus robuste sur le long terme.
Les inégalités opèrent des distorsions sur la démocratie. Elles amplifient la voix du petit nombre qui peuvent recruter des lobbyistes excessivement bien payés et se permettre des dons au montant illimité aux campagnes des politiques. Le risque est grand que notre démocratie ne soit mise à l’encan et raflée par le plus offrant."
6 Novembre 2011
Examinez les statistiques : au cours des dernières décennies, le revenu moyen du 1% au sommet a augmenté de 250% […] Le dirigeant d’entreprise typique qui touchait autrefois 30 fois ce que gagnaient ses employés, gagne aujourd’hui 110 fois plus. Et pendant ce temps-là, les revenus de la grande masse des Américains ont baissé de6%. […] Quand les ménages de la classe moyenne ne peuvent plus s’offrir les biens et les services que les entreprises proposent, c’est l’économie dans son ensemble qui coule […] Les pays qui connaissent moins de disparités ont des économies plus solides et connaissent une croissance plus forte et plus robuste sur le long terme.
Les inégalités opèrent des distorsions sur la démocratie. Elles amplifient la voix du petit nombre qui peuvent recruter des lobbyistes excessivement bien payés et se permettre des dons au montant illimité aux campagnes des politiques. Le risque est grand que notre démocratie ne soit mise à l’encan et raflée par le plus offrant."
6 Novembre 2011
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